Arteco becomes a regular member of CharIN

28 June 2021

Original press release on website CharIN

Arteco, a 50/50 joint-venture of Chevron & TotalEnergies, is one of the market leaders in the automotive coolant industry and has known a continuous growth for more than 20 years supplying many automotive OEMs on a global scale. Main contributors: its people, its patented technology and strong R&D focus, its global presence and an extensive supply chain network.

“We strongly believe our expertise towards thermal management, anti-corrosion, material compatibility etc. will be of high value within the charging (infrastructure) ecosystem and will enhance the deployment and roll-out of a standardized charging network around the globe.”
Guillaume Vanpeteghem, Technology Incubator Manager, Arteco

Last year, Arteco has created an in-house incubator called "Arteco X" to explore disruptive ideas, rapidly prototype new products and services and validate them through lean methodologies. In doing so, strategic partnerships with corporate divisions and start-ups are at the heart of their functioning.

“We want to contribute to a cooler world by bringing our innovations and new developments to all e-Mobility and Infrastructure stakeholders as well as co-creating with them, in order to increase the energy-efficiency & performance of their solution offering.”
Manan Sawhney, Business Incubator Manager, Arteco

The vision of Arteco and its X division is to cool the systems of our ever warming planet by providing engenious* coolant technologies throughout the world.




* Our base line "Engenious coolants" stands for ENGine and inGENIOUS, both keywords in our industry.